Hey there, welcome to signature selling, I've been in direct sales for 23 years and encouraged by many over two decades to do this, and have kept putting it off. Today that all changes! 

Most of my work is involved in nuance and subtle insight, which is the 3% difference between the best golfer in the world and everyone else. I focus on that 3% margin that will make you extremely successful.

We have plenty of content and we're gonna be laying out a roadmap to experience your best sales life yet.

Latest Episodes

Smart Rapport!

Smart rapport is the key to the foundation of your sale, most sales reps don't do it.  

Pitfalls, Potholes, Opportunities & Silver Linings

This episode designed to help direct sellers navigate negativity to opportunity. Although, it works in all life environments!

Presenting Effectively Over Zoom

Zoom might be your new office, so making it great is important! I cover the key basics to doing a highly effective zoom meeting from a technology and set up perspectiv...

Get a real job!


At the end of the day, every sales process is about people, involves people, and ends with people.

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