All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14 in total
Smart Rapport!
Smart rapport is the key to the foundation of your sale, most sales reps don't do it.

Pitfalls, Potholes, Opportunities & Silver Linings
This episode designed to help direct sellers navigate negativity to opportunity. Although, it works in all life environments!

Presenting Effectively Over Zoom
Zoom might be your new office, so making it great is important! I cover the key basics to doing a highly effective zoom meeting from a technology and set up perspectiv...

At the end of the day, every sales process is about people, involves people, and ends with people.

Customer Readiness
In this episode I discuss the four points of customer readiness, and how it impacts the likelihood and speed of a sale.

Two Fundamentals
I cover two of the most important things in commission-based direct selling for long-term success. These two are simple to understand, but the first one is hard to do....

The Energy Never Dies!
This episode is critical to your sales career, knowing how to manage energy, and how it impacts your selling. Continuity of energy is critical.

Are you meant to be in sales?
So many people make the decision not to be in sales, but it's typically based all the wrong information. Before you rule out sales, listen to this podcast, you might b...

Top 10% Mindset
The top 10% mindset is what's required to ensure you are in the 10% of people who succeed long-term in sales when 90% of people don't.

Why People Fail in Self Employment.
I cover the two primary reasons why 90% of people fail in self-employment, if you can fix these you can experience long-term success as a direct seller.

The Anatomy of Opportunity
Too many people measure an opportunity by how much money they can make without understanding the full scope of what's required to have a legitimate long-term opportuni...

The Foundation of All Sales
This 15 minute podcast describes in detail the singular most important element of all successful selling.Anyone who follows it will have long-term success. Any sales r...

Welcome to Signature Selling!
Welcome to the very first episode of Signature Selling! After 23 years in direct selling, I'm on a mission to help direct sales people get far better results. With nua...